Saturday, April 11, 2009

Vacation Day

No we didn't hit Disney World or the beach on our vacation day, but that's OK!  A vacation day here at our house means that we can RELAX and not rush around like maniacs in the morning for school or church.  We had no school yesterday (Friday) so we all enjoyed the morning here at home by watching a little t.v., playing some Boggle, coloring and painting some neat pictures, going outside between the rain showers, and generally doing not much.  The boys enjoyed it so much and so did I.  Andy had to work, but he came home early and that was nice.  He took the two little boys to see Monsters vs. Aliens at the movie theater and that gave me about 3 QUIET hours at home with just Micah!!  (What a treat!!!) So I did what any mom would do (ok, maybe not any mom) I read a few chapters of my book, thought about doing some laundry, took a nice warm bath while listening to my iPod, thought about mopping the kitchen floor, ate a popsicle while I watched Paula "the Dean".  It was awesome (did I already say that?!).  When the boys came home they flopped into bed and so did I.  What a great day!  Did I forget to mention that my dad came over to watch the boys earlier in the day so that I could go shopping with my mom?  FUN!!!

Sometimes it's nice to be still at home....not have anywhere to go, have no pressing issues to deal with.  I'm realizing now that I'm working part time that sometimes your body really needs days like that and it's OK to just take a day or two to really enjoy your home and your kids without the pressures or worries of "getting stuff done", which is what moms do like 99% of the time. 

Today we've got some things on our agenda: do some laundry, color Easter eggs, prepare food and table for Easter dinner tomorrow, cut the boys hair (Andy's job), but it will all be done at a snail's pace, I promise!  :)